I work within a concept I created, called MokshaShots.

In eastern philosophy, ‘Moksh’ means salvation. Considering our current lifestyles, we probably won’t get to full-fledged Moksh in this lifetime, but we can get a shot of it. A MokshaShot is a taste of the sublime. Everyone can make their own MokshaShot out of anything they find fulfilling…art, chocolate, a holiday, a smile, a Ferrari or a tequila shot!

My work uses satirical humour to comment on social and cultural practices.
We live in a time in history, when there is so much available to make our lives comfortable, yet we have never pursued Happiness so desperately! Today, belief systems are under constant influence and flux. We create Gods out of everything- actors, politicians, chefs and CEOs!

Instruments of power and control, like organised religion, new age spiritual systems, advertising, digital media and e-commerce – everything promises to be our very own MokshaShot, the vehicle to our ultimate goal- Salvation.To satirise this penchant for veneration, I’ve created deities called MokshaPets, each representing an aspect of the Self. Also explored are the universal experiences of the individual’s attempt at self-exploration- memory, nostalgia, self-perception and self-analysis with self-deception, if you will!

Title: Yantra 8

Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Size: 48 x 36 in (4 x 3 feet)


Availability: Sold

Title: Yantra 5

Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Size: 48 x 48 in (4 x 4 feet)


Availability: Available

Title: Yantra 9

Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Size: 48 x 48 in (4 x 4 feet)


Availability: Available